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I only liked 2 characters in the series

CrtlAlt May 29, 2024 3:34 am

I just binged it instead of weeks or months gone by waiting for it to upload so I have a clearer perspective. Let me just say this series is for anti-intellectuals who don’t read. Im waiting for Kirishima to give his apology and grow as a human. Passage of time is not an excuse for the insane amount of times I’ve gotten the ick from his childish and intolerable behavior. He’s over bearing and I wish Yoshino would have gotten space sometimes. The characters are enjoyable but it takes throwing out your medulla oblongata to genuinely be inlove. The creator is taking the “characters are not people” type writing advice into serious consideration here. Im disappointed in Yoshino as a character. I hoped she’d be different…Freud you strike again. (A time skip would greatly benefit the series)

    LaNansha May 30, 2024 11:53 am

    Well, I guess this is why the phrase "to each his own" is a thing here. I've read this manga 3 times and I've loved it (including the MCs) every time.

    Beefie June 3, 2024 12:44 pm

    I dont really think the romance ks supposed to be the main focus. I get where youre coming from but i think this manga is great.

    Beefie June 3, 2024 12:46 pm

    I dont really think the romance ks supposed to be the main focus. I get where youre coming from but i think this manga is great. I mean the couple is the main focus but not their love story if yiu get what i mean.

    Nini_r333 June 19, 2024 10:43 pm

    Well I mean it's yakuza idk what you really expected from all this

    LaNansha June 19, 2024 11:23 pm
    Well I mean it's yakuza idk what you really expected from all this Nini_r333

    It's not even really about the yakuza aspect of things, but more so about the genre being seinen. Unlike shoujo/josei or shounen where it's usually easy to tell right from wrong, seinen tend to be in the grey/dark grey spectrum of morality and just life in general. The fact that it's a yakuza story amplifies that.