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I don’t want to be mean

Suibian^^ May 27, 2024 8:18 am

I don't want to be mean to Chan-il, but sometimes I think his friendship with Cirrus is a little strange. First with the photos Cirrus doesn't say anything to him, which I understand and it didn't hurt him not knowing, but then according to them they are middle school friends and best friends? I mean around 4 years and he has no idea what's happening to his friend, he's been missing for days not going to class and he doesn't call him, he doesn't know where he lives, he doesn't go looking for him (and I say this because his other friends did go to ask about Cirrus), he dosen't know Cirrus mom died, dosen't find it weird that he was missing the day of the festival, he never tried to understand why when he met him the others were rude to him, he saw Cirrus's dad hit him and he is so dense that he sees that and makes him feel uncomfortable with his attitude by saying "I'm fine, it didn't bother me, i'm ok" "but it's not normal for him to hit you like that", really? He could said other things.
One of the reasons Cirrus was comfortable with Skylar was because he didn’t pity him and treated him the same as before.
Also Chan-il, coming from a happy family, having friends, and being someone happy and naive, don't understand Cirrus's situation and just from a call with him he already thinks "I didn't know he hated me so much"

I known he is a good person and that Cirrus dosen't talk about himself. I'm just saying at the begining it was said the were best friends but they don't look like it.

    YaYaMae May 28, 2024 1:00 am

    I can agree he is the airhead character. However, I feel like Chan-il has always presented himself as available if they wanted to come to him. “If I’m not good at approaching, the least I can do is be receptive.” I don’t think he should be responsible for his friends not taking the olive branch he extended. Skylar and Cirrus are both more…aggressive in their approach to life which is fine! But I don’t think that makes Chan-il a bad friend

    Suibian^^ May 28, 2024 5:32 am
    I can agree he is the airhead character. However, I feel like Chan-il has always presented himself as available if they wanted to come to him. “If I’m not good at approaching, the least I can do is be recep... YaYaMae

    You have a good point. Chan-il is a good person. I just wanted to let out my thoughts through reading the comic, about their friendship, that at first glance they are best friends but once you take a closer look they aren't that close. And as you said is not Chan-il fault, Cirrus does put up wall around people.
    I wish the autor would show a bit more about his friendships.

    YaYaMae May 28, 2024 10:22 pm
    You have a good point. Chan-il is a good person. I just wanted to let out my thoughts through reading the comic, about their friendship, that at first glance they are best friends but once you take a closer loo... Suibian^^

    I agree with that! Even if it’s to show others were trying to be more friendly and It just didn’t work. That way, there’s a more natural shift to cirrus (hopefully) getting more love in his life besides from Skylar