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If its not too much to ask is it possible to have one page per image so the pages can be s...

Yana May 25, 2024 11:33 am

If its not too much to ask is it possible to have one page per image so the pages can be separated and we dont have to read with no gaps

    Fueru May 25, 2024 2:33 pm

    Just click the setting and check off tbe multi pages button. itll apply to all you reqd so check that on if you read long form comic

    Yana May 25, 2024 3:36 pm
    Just click the setting and check off tbe multi pages button. itll apply to all you reqd so check that on if you read long form comic Fueru

    No I mean try to read it right now with the settings "multi pages" and "show gap" and you'll see what I mean. It cuts at awkward parts so youre forced to uncheck "show gap" to read it properly

    ✨L£vi's dADDęy✨ May 25, 2024 5:06 pm
    No I mean try to read it right now with the settings "multi pages" and "show gap" and you'll see what I mean. It cuts at awkward parts so youre forced to uncheck "show gap" to read it properly Yana

    Isn't that how you're meant to read it tho?
    You're meant to uncheck 'show gaps'

    Acchan May 25, 2024 6:13 pm
    Isn't that how you're meant to read it tho? You're meant to uncheck 'show gaps' ✨L£vi's dADDęy✨

    They mean the pages were cut so awkwardly they're barely readable.

    Fueru May 26, 2024 12:11 am

    Ah, then you should ask the translator to upload per page.

    Currently we don't know who uploaded this on manga go so if it's bot who took it from somewhere then it'll take the pages as it's presented on the original site and it's the original tl who cut the pages like that.

    Yana May 26, 2024 3:18 am
    Isn't that how you're meant to read it tho? You're meant to uncheck 'show gaps' ✨L£vi's dADDęy✨

    If its a webtoon then yeah but it's in Manga form so it's slightly harder to read that way

    NightmarishLand May 27, 2024 10:32 am

    Yes it's possible but you have to sign out... It seems you can only view manga/webtoons in separate pages by signing out (alhtough the downside it ads popping out)

    Fueru May 27, 2024 12:17 pm
    Yes it's possible but you have to sign out... It seems you can only view manga/webtoons in separate pages by signing out (alhtough the downside it ads popping out) NightmarishLand

    You can do just that by toggling the setting.

    NightmarishLand May 27, 2024 1:36 pm
    You can do just that by toggling the setting. Fueru

    I checked that again, it doesn't have it... Only multipages or one with gap....

    NightmarishLand May 27, 2024 1:38 pm
    You can do just that by toggling the setting. Fueru

    Oops nvm, I was wrong

    Yana May 27, 2024 4:34 pm
    Yes it's possible but you have to sign out... It seems you can only view manga/webtoons in separate pages by signing out (alhtough the downside it ads popping out) NightmarishLand

    Yeah I think my original comment just was poorly worded lol

    The manga has a lot of cuts in between the pages so it's awkward to read with the "show gaps" settings