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I think the FL will end up with husband, because she is facing the husband in the cover�...

Erin May 25, 2024 5:04 am

I think the FL will end up with husband, because she is facing the husband in the cover, well most of the cover FL is facing the ML. Hopefully not on this. Manifesting the brown hair is the ML.

    cobrakai1972 May 25, 2024 7:32 pm

    Pls don’t say that, I’m fine with him getting a redemption arc since he’s emotionally repressed and abusive bc of the environment he has been in (doesn’t excuse his actions) but FL doesn’t deserve him taking his anger out on her, cheating etc. pls

    Artemis May 25, 2024 10:17 pm

    Yes I agree that's just how these types of stories are written doesn't matter how abusive or neglectful the husband is they always end up together they try to throw a red herring in but 98% of the time they end up together. I believe its part of the cultural propaganda telling women basically no matter how terrible your husband is stay with him

    Ward May 26, 2024 1:34 am

    I mean even so she is looking at the student..? So maybe we have a chance..(hope so or I’ll definitely drop this)