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My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

Zerochawma May 23, 2024 1:42 pm

That's it, I'm dropping it...

    Zerochawma June 9, 2024 10:09 am
    I would say*** Zerochawma

    Bruh =_= did u just called me a jobless and minor in the same comment, that's why people say "don't argue with idiots" and being virgin before or marrying in ur 20s, it's a cultural thing, u also just said from where I'm, that means probably we don't live in the same country and that indicates I'm from another continent, maybe it's not night here ??? And who got BUTTHURT first ?? Me or u ?? u r probably a girl, i assume, if I say the same to u "get assaulted and kidnapped" over a minor disagreement between for fictional character, that would make me a insane person or psychopath but I'm not like u, ur behaviour is that of third grade whore, that's why I had to point it out by speaking harshly. Furthermore comment will only go over ur head, so I should stop and I will not be arguing with a idiot 。◕‿◕。

    I'm not able to reply in lizx comment, so I replied to myself

    Zerochawma June 9, 2024 10:14 am
    I would say*** Zerochawma

    Did u just assumed I was a girl and after that told me to get assaulted or kidnapped ?? So U r a psychopath and u told me, my mom didn't raised me right ?? Whatever, only God can save u now, if there is any. <( ̄︶ ̄)>

    LuluKillua June 9, 2024 9:53 pm
    Shithole cringe pick me girl. Girls mad I got a loving bf that pipes me whenever I want wilddd bruh. Ur argument just got debunked ooooooooo. Ugly fag Do yourself a favor & sell urself. Since you loveeee ... . ⸝⸝ Lizx ࿔ ࿐。࿔`

    stop. just stop continuing the convo if you are unable to regulate your emotions