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Really Random Plot Device I Want To Happen

SpaceHead May 21, 2024 11:59 pm

Ok I have a random plot device that I want the story to use lol, basically Taekjoon makes his own codename "Anastasia" like lets say we get a time skip, and at Zhenya thinks he is actually dead he has totally forgotten about Taekjoon. In reality Taekjoon has be absoultly slaying with his new partner doing a ton of cool stuff and Zhenya hears about this guy who has been taking down corporation after corporation but doesn't think much of it -> a series of events happens and Zhenya is like who is this "Anastasia" sounds very familier
-> more events happen putting Zhenya and Taekjoon face to face and Taekjoon being like "it's me you idiot, I'm Anastatia"

Just think it would be funzies ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
