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Uke is too ugly for this seme, i cant with this manga

hennaoij May 19, 2024 9:41 pm

Uke is too ugly for this seme, i cant with this manga

    Chaotic.Neutral <3 May 21, 2024 10:45 am
    I answered SHINsen, not you btw. Honestly, for me, anyone who felt offended by my comment to the point of responding rudely deserves to read some truths: in life there are more important things to worry about i... hennaoij

    I wish I was still that young. Taxes be whooping my ass. Also maybe, it's your phrasing that is just wrong which is why people are getting "offended". If I cared bout the negativity I wouldn't have replied but I don't really care. I had assumed you were old enough to have some what of a discussion with but I appear to be wrong cause the hostility that you had answered SHINsen with has caused the discussion to turn directions and unlike SHINsen who just wanted to help, I care not but do hope you have many blessed days. <3

    hennaoij May 21, 2024 1:49 pm
    I wish I was still that young. Taxes be whooping my ass. Also maybe, it's your phrasing that is just wrong which is why people are getting "offended". If I cared bout the negativity I wouldn't have replied but ... Chaotic.Neutral <3

    shinsen's first comment was arrogantly calling me blind, I don't think he was trying to help at all. then comes with this puritanical talk about avoiding negativity and that everyone has their own opinion, big bullshit. And it's obvious that you don't care about negativity, just when it suits you you come and write some cute texts to seem less sad and stressed about your own life. If you don't want to be answered rudely then don't answer me and agree with whoever made rude comments to me, people like to talk a lot but they don't like to listen.