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Kieto felling in love with yuuka and he tell her but she dont belive him so he go to her h...

Anonymous February 10, 2017 4:03 pm

Kieto felling in love with yuuka and he tell her but she dont belive him so he go to her house and when she refuse kiss him he rape her in the same time yuuka boyfriend come and saw kieto rape yuuka .he hit kieto until death and when he went to call police yuuka forebide him so they break up because that. yuuka go to her village and kieto go after her he meet yuuka and her parents and learn that yuuka was the same girl who give her flower in past .and kieto remmber how rape her and hit her and hurt her very much .he cry very much .after few event yuuka and kieto start dating but he cant touch her becaue he afeird she will remmber the horrible thing he do to her in past .

    Meman April 10, 2018 1:42 pm

    Where did you got it from?

    msioblk October 4, 2020 5:34 pm
    Where did you got it from? Meman

    Obviously from the raws