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3 stars

Jenny May 14, 2024 6:27 am

This was good, but a ton of parts were bit undone sadly. The different personalities the lead showcased from inside and outside work was just super cute and a bit refreshing, and the female was fun too. The storyline was engaging and a bit hilarious. I was highly disappointed at the ending though as it was very rushed and felt incomplete. The love confession was way too sudden and we didn’t even see what happened to them after. The way everything came to light felt so bland as well, especially with the way the two spilled their secrets at the end. Nothing really happened with it so it felt very lacking. The way one of the names kept coming back as well made me very curious, but it wasn’t even used well. I thought the story could’ve been developed more too with the way the lead would gradually interact and grow with his company peers but it wasn’t even showcased correctly. It was a nice read, but there definitely needed some more development to it to be 5.
