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if Enisha...

KNS May 10, 2024 5:23 pm

Doesn't end up with Kahil, is there a point to this story? Or if she chooses to sacrifice herself to stop Hakkasan or whatever his name is.

Hear me out, Enisha is all powerful and without the seal, even more. She's basically destined to succeed in whatever path she decides, even if that success involves her death. Her only real threat is Hakkaman and once he is taken care of, what's left to the story but her "will they /won't they"?

Her leaving everything behind to be High mage, AGAIN, just seems very anticlimactic to me. Especially since she's gotten the chance to experience familial love, school- basically wealth human life. I'm very curious to see how to this ends, cos i can't lie i'm not a member of the ILEC LOL! not to say i don't like the character, i'm just not invested in just Enisha, I'm here for the whole story, like her family, kahil and hakkaman. Don't care much for the mages, they don't add much for me. Wish we got less of the ILEC and for example, more of crown Prince's upcoming marriage (it be nice to see some good progression between him and the redhaired beauty).

Can't wait to see how the story ends basically. Will she:

- leave all behind and return as the High mage
- find a replacement high mage and stay as the star of hyperion
- still be the star of hyperion but marry and rule alongside kahil in Jadkar
- Marry Kahil and merge the two kingdom
- give up her life to kill or indefinitely imprison hakkaman
- Stay in hyperion as high mage and kahil gives up his thrown to follow her around (all romantic involvement ceased)
- or Have it all, life in Hyperion + Kahil + High mage
