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Justice will be served next chapter for what DIPSHIT CIRRUS JUST DID I promise you.

Granteral May 5, 2024 11:59 am

Justice will be served next chapter for what DIPSHIT CIRRUS JUST DID I promise you.

    fenisme May 5, 2024 6:48 pm

    justice? what skylar did to cirrus is just as bad if not worse than what cirrus did here

    SHOJI45 May 5, 2024 10:08 pm
    justice? what skylar did to cirrus is just as bad if not worse than what cirrus did here fenisme

    what did skylar do? push him off because a teacher walked in on them?

    fenisme May 5, 2024 10:45 pm
    what did skylar do? push him off because a teacher walked in on them? SHOJI45

    he told cirrus that he likes chan-il and that he's only dating cirrus because he can't date chan-il (he doesn't actually mean it but the damage was still done lol) and then he beat him up

    SHOJI45 May 5, 2024 11:39 pm

    what! When did he say that?

    fenisme May 6, 2024 12:28 am
    what! When did he say that? SHOJI45

    oh it happens in the next chapter im sorry for spoiling. i thought u knew since the original comment talked abt something that's gonna happen in the next chapter

    Zoe May 6, 2024 3:31 am
    oh it happens in the next chapter im sorry for spoiling. i thought u knew since the original comment talked abt something that's gonna happen in the next chapter fenisme

    hol on WHAT!!!

    Kob May 9, 2024 9:46 pm
    he told cirrus that he likes chan-il and that he's only dating cirrus because he can't date chan-il (he doesn't actually mean it but the damage was still done lol) and then he beat him up fenisme

    He told him that out of impulse. Also don’t you remember the chapter where Cirrus literally did the SAME THING but with Skylars friends lol?? He literally told Skylar that they didn’t like him and that they didn’t want to hang out with him when that was a whole lie??

    fenisme May 10, 2024 9:48 am
    He told him that out of impulse. Also don’t you remember the chapter where Cirrus literally did the SAME THING but with Skylars friends lol?? He literally told Skylar that they didn’t like him and that they... Kob

    except he didn't say that LMFAO he said "They were no good for you anyway. All they did was clinge to you like parasites and made trouble. You're far better of without them" which is literally true. And i know skylar said that out of impulse i literally said in my comment that he didn't actually mean it BUT it doesn't change the fact that he DID say it in the end and as i said, the damage has already been done. mean it or not, he still hurt cirrus and as much as i love skylar i still think he should apologize for it just like cirrus apologized for his behavior. skylar only apologized for punching him but not for what he told him. and as much as i know that he already proved with his actions how much he cares abt cirrus i still think it would've been nice if he actually told him that he didn't mean what he said before

    Kob May 10, 2024 11:16 pm
    except he didn't say that LMFAO he said "They were no good for you anyway. All they did was clinge to you like parasites and made trouble. You're far better of without them" which is literally true. And i know ... fenisme

    No you’re talking about the wrong one I’m not talking about those two guys, I’m talking about the people who he hung out in the library with, when he made Skylar cry but then said he was lying afterwards.

    HRAensn May 10, 2024 11:27 pm
    No you’re talking about the wrong one I’m not talking about those two guys, I’m talking about the people who he hung out in the library with, when he made Skylar cry but then said he was lying afterwards... Kob

    What chapter was that? And tbh Skylar was way out of line, in what world is it normal to be violent and make them bleed? A smack or two sure, Cirrus deserves that but full on beating and bleeding?

    Hell to the nah. Both need therapy. Cirrus definitely provoked Skylar but still doesn’t justify hurting your partner physically especially when you know physical was part of their abuse trauma…

    HRAensn May 10, 2024 11:27 pm
    No you’re talking about the wrong one I’m not talking about those two guys, I’m talking about the people who he hung out in the library with, when he made Skylar cry but then said he was lying afterwards... Kob

    also I ain’t justifying Cirrus’s behavior but I do dislike the violence

    fenisme May 10, 2024 11:47 pm
    No you’re talking about the wrong one I’m not talking about those two guys, I’m talking about the people who he hung out in the library with, when he made Skylar cry but then said he was lying afterwards... Kob

    if ur talking abt chapter 65 then that's not what he sayd either.. he didn't even mention these friends at all. he said that HE (as in cirrus himself ) doesn't like skylar and that he's irritating lol. it was a self sabotage because even cirrus himself had no idea why he said something like this because he didn't mean it (this scene is honestly one of the biggest examples of his bpd). and immediately after saying this, he regretted it and apologized to him on the same day. if this scene is not what u mean then i have no idea what other scene ur talking abt lmao

    Kob May 11, 2024 2:48 am
    if ur talking abt chapter 65 then that's not what he sayd either.. he didn't even mention these friends at all. he said that HE (as in cirrus himself ) doesn't like skylar and that he's irritating lol. it was a... fenisme

    It is, and it was obvious he intended to make Skylar stop hanging out with them, this wasn’t the first time he did something to try and get Skylar to stop hanging around certain people because of his possessiveness and this is one of them. And he also said “stay the hell away out of OUR faces”, again, trying to make Skylar stop hanging out with the guys. Yes, he apologized because he felt bad considering Skylar rarely reacted like that, but that doesn’t make it okay.

    Kob May 11, 2024 2:50 am
    What chapter was that? And tbh Skylar was way out of line, in what world is it normal to be violent and make them bleed? A smack or two sure, Cirrus deserves that but full on beating and bleeding? Hell to the n... HRAensn

    Chapter 65. And I never said it did, I’ll never defend Skylar for that, I agree that was way out of line especially considering Cirrus doesn’t know about Skylars trauma. I’m just talking about the part where he said that the only reason he got with him was because of Chan ill.

    Kob May 11, 2024 2:51 am
    if ur talking abt chapter 65 then that's not what he sayd either.. he didn't even mention these friends at all. he said that HE (as in cirrus himself ) doesn't like skylar and that he's irritating lol. it was a... fenisme

    + he also said “he told me your face creeps him out”, and he obviously wasn’t referring to himself in 3rd person.

    fenisme May 11, 2024 9:22 am
    + he also said “he told me your face creeps him out”, and he obviously wasn’t referring to himself in 3rd person. Kob

    but this and the other one u talked abt aren't cirrus' words. he literally didn't say this. it's skylar's thoughts. he's getting reminded of his past and of what either minwoo or the other guys that bullied him told him at at that time

    HRAensn May 11, 2024 9:26 am
    but this and the other one u talked abt aren't cirrus' words. he literally didn't say this. it's skylar's thoughts. he's getting reminded of his past and of what either minwoo or the other guys that bullied him... fenisme

    Y’all both confusing me. Who do I believe? @fenisme can I trust your words?

    fenisme May 11, 2024 9:38 am
    but this and the other one u talked abt aren't cirrus' words. he literally didn't say this. it's skylar's thoughts. he's getting reminded of his past and of what either minwoo or the other guys that bullied him... fenisme

    u can see how skylar's really starts to panick BECAUSE he's getting reminded of his past. he stops paying attention to cirrus' words (the speak bubbles and everything else becomes blurry) and gets completely lost in his thoughts

    fenisme May 11, 2024 9:39 am
    Y’all both confusing me. Who do I believe? @fenisme can I trust your words? HRAensn

    i think so i never interpreted this as cirrus saying these words, for me these were always skylar's thoughts. that's why he panicked so much. either way, this was such a long time ago that arguing over scene like this doesn't really make sense lol. especially since cirrus already apologized and skylar forgave him

    Kob May 11, 2024 3:40 pm
    Y’all both confusing me. Who do I believe? @fenisme can I trust your words? HRAensn

    You don’t have to believe anyone or really get involved