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I still can't get past Sendou cheating. And him not getting any backlash. So Touma kisses ...

Kamitani February 5, 2017 2:26 pm

I still can't get past Sendou cheating. And him not getting any backlash. So Touma kisses someone else and that gives Sendou a pass to fuck a guy multiple times? Touma was injured and did that due to his injury. He didn't know what he was doing really. Sendou did. And then when confronted everyone only thinks about Sendou. What about Touma? He was injured and cheated on. Yet he still carried on like a champ. And can't say I feel bad for Kenzaki. He knew Sendou was with Touma and that Sendou came to him out of being sad. In addition, it seems he gets a pass on being a slut. Can he just be faithful to Touma? Sendou kisses someone else, it's overlooked. Touma gets touched by Rusty and Sendou makes him scared of him. I do love their relationship, but I can't stand the fact that Sendou gets a slut pass. Hurt or not. Touma should've made him work for the relationship too. He had sex with another man more than once. I understand that he was hurt and shit, but really? You had many times to reflect on the first time. While you were staying up fucking some other guy, your boyfriend and best friend were staying up waiting for you. It sucks that him cheating doesn't haunt him nor Touma. Completely unrealistic. Of course in a relationship, you would want to move forward but sometimes the stuff resurfaces.
