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I mean, I do understand the friend

Fern May 1, 2024 7:43 pm

His friend tried and letting him live there completely free is doing more than enough tbh. Obviously my boy has the right to feel hurt, but having people crash at your place without even giving you an amount of time is quite burdensome

    Mihanz May 2, 2024 3:51 am

    A true homie wouldn't care

    Hudson May 2, 2024 4:51 am
    A true homie wouldn't care Mihanz

    A true homie WOULD care and talk about how that kind of thing bothers him and not talk shit about the situation first to other people. Having boundaries is how relationships grow and get maintained :)

    Stardust May 2, 2024 4:54 am

    Yeah but shit talking about them behind their back instead of talking about your problems with them is really fucking shitty

    Fern May 2, 2024 5:29 am
    Yeah but shit talking about them behind their back instead of talking about your problems with them is really fucking shitty Stardust

    Gotta get their frustrations out, it’s not easy being honest with people. It’s still shitty tho, but not uncommon

    WangXianlover May 2, 2024 8:44 pm

    Which is why the friend should’ve been a man and told Seyeong that he wouldn’t be able to stay past x amount of time instead of being a little cunt and whining behind Seyeongs back. Ppl/ characters like that annoy me to no end. Seriously if you don’t communicate such an important thing the fault is w you (not u as in you). If it’s such an issue to man up and communicate he doesn’t need to be opening his home to friends without disclosing the amnt of time they can stay otherwise the other person will stay bc they’ll be under the impression that they’re allowed to stay. Such things must be discussed by the person opening their home to the other person it’s part of their responsibility.

    lia May 5, 2024 5:11 pm

    he told him he could stay as long as he needs to.
    but more importantly that's missing the key point:
    seyeong thought he had a friend he could trust and rely on. and then finds out said friend is bitching about him in an extremely demeaning way and completely misinterpretes him (like seyeong doesn't want to move soon)

    he clearly doesn't truly know nor like seyeong as a person. finding out that the person you considered your closest friend actually dislikes you and looks down on you and isn't your friend is awful and gave seyeong more trust issues.
    and it what makes 'his friend' an asshole. he wasn't 'ranting'. he didn't have poor communication skills. he simply wasn't a friend but pretended to be one. you don't call your friends shameless and creepy for accepting the help you offered.