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The angst I needed.

gabulbs April 30, 2024 2:05 pm

HOLY!!! I've been craving for some angst these past months... I'm looking forward into understanding the ML's mind, because he is sooooo hypocritical. It's like he expects to be treated right after treating FL so bad, yk? How can he believe she would be that sunflower girl after going through so much? Hopefully reality hits him!!

I find it interesting how he apparently has two sides: one side of him is in love with her since he met her as a child, and the other hates her due to her royal lineage, which is connected to the reason why he suffered so much in the past. These two feelings are too strong, and they keep on consuming him, until he says to her after she attempted: "I don't know what to do". His mind is a mess due to his feelings of love and hatred for her.

Of course, its not an excuse to treat her like shit, just an explanation. He is in denial for his love, and he is clinging desperately to his hatred because is the only sense of consistency he has after all these years of revolution. Insane, right?

She deserves better than him, honestly. If he doesn't get better, it's best for her to stand on her ground and defend herself. FL deserves everything. I cried while reading this but not out of pity, more out of desperation. Because the angst is insane!!!!
