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Frarkness April 26, 2024 1:59 am

I read over 50 chapters in korean because I was sooo invested in the story. My korean is decent but i read slowly so it took me like 3 days to read it lmao and im still not done because the raws go to chapter 80!! If anyone is interested it gets revealed why Siwoon holds a grudge and wants revenge about in chapter 45 but either it wasn't shown exactly what had happened on his end or smth because Doha seemed to be on the right to me until the end.
And yes, he does end up breaking up with him telling him he was using him for revenge and yes, it hurts a lot. They get back together quite quickly though and THEY'RE SO CUTE! And no there isn't a love triangle, Taeyoung tells him he likes him but Doha replies that he still likes Siwoon.
