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Ice31 April 25, 2024 8:27 pm

I get his mother assumed he'd have a more comfortable life...

His father was irresponsible, he cheated and bought home a child from an affair with a sex worker... Of course his noble wife would hate it, most women would. It's like you're flaunting you cheated.

His wife figured a child with that background would be inferior to her own, seeing the opposite hurt her pride, discouraged her son, he became more of a thorn to her life. If he was dumb instead of outshining her own son she probably wouldn't have snapped the same way.

His wife knows she doesn't have the courage to face her husband, his bastard son was already sick and defenseless so if he died it could be seen as "natural causes" typical cruel and cowardly move, the child wasn't at fault.

No child should have experienced that.

Abandon by both his parents, left to fend for himself basically after his father's wife tried to kill him...

Probably endured many more attempts on his life after that moment .

The level psychological trauma and stress he must have encountered regularly must have been high.

Growing up cruel isn't really surprising, he's a survivor and has the scars to prove it.
