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Block blue and move on

Meli April 25, 2024 4:46 am

I suggest you all to block this "blue" guy, so that they can't reply and bully people in your comments anymore. Just a suggestion. They already blocked me so that I can't reply to them anymore after calling out their bull.

Buddy, is just a bully and makes everyone uncomfortable. It seems like they are only happy when thy can make others unhappy. I suggest therapy instead of dumping trash everywhere.

    blue April 26, 2024 7:14 pm

    wow this is really sad, making a whole post about me just because i voiced my opinion like how obsessed do you have to be? i blocked you so you couldn’t harass me anymore and now this? wow you need help

    Meli April 26, 2024 10:13 pm

    Get your sad life together and stop bullying people. Insulting people and spaming the comment section is not "saying your opinion"

    You blocked me after you harrassed people and I called you out on it. I never harrassed you, stop playing victim and get help.