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So I skimmed through chapter 8 & 9 raws and from what I gathered I THINK Kana confront...

Rev April 24, 2024 11:31 pm

So I skimmed through chapter 8 & 9 raws and from what I gathered I THINK Kana confronted Naho about why he’s been acting weird when he goes to return gym clothes, and Naho gives a sort of half-assed reason (he’s stuttering a lot & google translate is being horrible), Kana then gets an angry face and Naho says how he this is the second time he’s seen him angry, the first was when they were kids and Naho was with someone else. THEN Kana and Naho like. make out????? And Kana says I love you to Naho. I kind of gave up translating once I got to ch 9 but I think from looking at the art the two go back to school, Aoi and the other dude talk to Naho and Kana joins in, and Naho goes back to class and talks to his friends.
