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I'm in a state of perpetual shock and bewilderment

g0thg0re666 April 24, 2024 4:50 pm

I spent the time I should have been sleeping instead binge reading this, I am in such a state of shock I don't think I can even put my feelings into words. my mind is absolutely blank after having read up to chapter 74. as I am still processing this and everything that has happend I realized that the last 13 chapters or so feel like the story has been almost stretched, I won't go into details as I've marked this as not containing any spoilers but it feels like these chapters were just thrown in to add more shock and disarray in an already complicated storyline. with the way it was set up I believe this sort of "twist" was planned from the begining but the way it was thrown in so haphazardly feels very, disheartening and shocking, shocking enough that I am still sitting here like a fool with my mouth agape typing this. I will most likely be thinking about this story for the rest of my day and weeks to come until a solid conclusion is given, thank you to any other bewildered readers who have taken the time to read my shocked ramblings.
