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This is giving me a headache

VirotiNeis792 April 23, 2024 11:26 am

Me as im reading this

Few chaps in: "aww they're so cute"
Chaps later: "seme kinda sus but they're so inlove"
Chaps later:"ermm seme kinda showing red flag signs but its ok, i love me a possesive seme"
Another chaps later: "what the fuck whats with the sudden running away bro huh"
Later: "ok seme caught him but he kinda has a screw loose now"
Later :"ok now thats a toxic redflag, i hope they can still talk it out"
.....: "BITCH WHAT WHY KIDNAP him bro, oh hell nahhh, nu uh"
Later: "THE UKE LIKES IT WHAT THE FLIP, like bro is aware its wrong but loves it, what kind of fucked up sht is this"
