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nosooosos April 22, 2024 11:51 pm

for everytime someone says “then dont read HMP >_<” an innocent kitten and its butterfly friend dies

    Caitlyn April 22, 2024 11:56 pm

    Theyre right though, its a common reader rule? Dont like dont read. Not every story has to cater to everyone and the author should have control of the story that they want. And as a reader its your responsibility to find and cater to yourself. If you dont like the story just click back why submit yourself the torture of reading something you dislike? To continually whine about it?

    ★ ! April 22, 2024 11:59 pm
    Theyre right though, its a common reader rule? Dont like dont read. Not every story has to cater to everyone and the author should have control of the story that they want. And as a reader its your responsibili... Caitlyn

    BECEUSE I WANT TOOOO. IS IT so wrong to want to see where a story goes ?! u all say the same thing each time my god start telling me to kill myself ay LEAST that’d be new

    nosooosos April 23, 2024 12:02 am
    Theyre right though, its a common reader rule? Dont like dont read. Not every story has to cater to everyone and the author should have control of the story that they want. And as a reader its your responsibili... Caitlyn

    it’s literally the dumbest argument ever. i can continue reading a story even though i know what’s probably going to happen simply to see if it’s actually going to happen. or i can like one part of the story and continue reading just to see more of it. or maybe i like the character (or the actor when its not a webtoon) and want to see more of them. or maybe i want to follow the works of the artist/creator. you don’t have to be in love with everything you consume. with the same logic why don’t they ignore the criticisms if they bother them so much?