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Yuu April 23, 2024 6:55 am

i got to chapter 5 and i think i'm quitting lol

this dumb shit heard the dragon say 'your wish will be granted immediately' and then is like U DON'T LOVE ME and OFC HE DOESN'T - ALSO WHY ARE YOU ACTING CONFUSED??? YOU LITERALLY WISHED FOR HIM TO LOVE YOU??????? so basically it's either fake and only due to the wish or he'd liked her already but either way when you wish for a psycho to love you then try to, without spelling out your circumstances, leave said psycho - shits bound to go wrong. character design and art are nice but this plot is too cringe

i can only take so much stupidity. also that contract should be null and void since the overwhelming majority of it was not disclosed. but then she'd lose his love so~ dumb plot
