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Does anyone else wonder if at the end of the story -will Ilay let Tay make the choice of w...

GreinM April 22, 2024 2:18 am

Does anyone else wonder if at the end of the story -will Ilay let Tay make the choice of whether to stay with him or not? Ilay really doesn’t know how to love someone, he’s so possessive because of those unknown feelings he has for Tay. As things progress with them I do wonder if he’ll change and want Tay’s happiness above all else. And if he gives him a choice will Tay chose Ilay?

    Bloody Sagittarius April 23, 2024 9:12 am


    The answer is no. Ilay doesn't give Taeui choices wether to stay or to leave. Ilay becomes increasingly possessive and obsessed and willing to chased after Taeui ran away from him a second time (although technically Taeui actually didn't run away from Ilay, but his circumstances forced him to do so at that time). Ilay even make a vow that if Taeui died before him, Ilay will follow shortly afterwards. Basically implying that he can't live without Taeui.

    GreinM April 23, 2024 6:07 pm

    Wow yeah I had my doubts that he’d ever take the chance of losing Taeui now that’s he’s realizing his feelings. Do we ever get a back story -flash back of his
    Childhood- on why Ilay is the way he is?
    Thanks for the info too ^_^