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i dont know but yall but this derrick guy is a tad bit odd. i noticed it first with that p...

HELPMELMAO April 20, 2024 1:35 am

i dont know but yall but this derrick guy is a tad bit odd. i noticed it first with that pink bird being in the cage and i couldnt help but think about it representing penelope, has he got some ulterior motive towards her? i think one would be happy if their sibling was suddenly more, ‘mature’ or ‘improved’ in a sense as of before when it comes to personality and overall less of a nuisance - or, however they used to see her, which definitely was not in a good light.

See reynold for example, him and pene are at good terms now, or at least better than before, they went through complications together and managed to find a somewhat stable ground with pene opening up on how she really felt about him and how she was treated in the duchy, which then led to reynold being more self-aware of his actions resulting in a slight change in behaviour as of before.

but derrick man, i cant help but feel uneasy whenever hes w/penelope, not to mention a new colour heart for when elekick or wttv slave boys name was, bought yvonne - his thang was yellow, the fuck does yellow mean?? i know black purple red from managing to piece them together from the characters emotions and feelings to penelope, which was easy and obvious yada yada but yellow?? i ain never seen allat befo. i know it ain anger nor happiness like joy bc yellow very joyous innit, but YELLOW?? WHAT IS THAT or am i jst trippin as im brainstorming this at 2:30am, who knows maybe this isnt even real and im hallucinating all this from sleep-deprivation
