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TJIAN - Sucks

JustHere April 18, 2024 5:44 am

I find it funny how so many people think 2 people having sex means they have good relationship/romantic chemistry. lol

    nis April 18, 2024 6:07 am

    I dony even read this but see comments about couple on feed and tweets and they don't exactly hit for some reason idk why sry saw your comment on feed and realised why

    satan's spinach lover April 21, 2024 4:42 pm

    bro i been saying this that’s just sexual chemistry….

    JustHere April 21, 2024 10:20 pm
    bro i been saying this that’s just sexual chemistry…. satan's spinach lover

    its wild how people cant tell the difference.

    Rage April 23, 2024 1:59 am
    bro i been saying this that’s just sexual chemistry…. satan's spinach lover

    I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who knew this shit

    JustHere April 23, 2024 12:04 pm
    I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who knew this shit Rage

    Their entire relationship is based off trauma bonding.

    if Ian was in therapy he would have cut TJ out of his life a long time ago and vice versa.

    TJIAN is based on familiarity. They've known each other for ages should not equate to how much they love each. Its stagnant.

    HRAensn April 23, 2024 12:15 pm

    True I guess and just because Ian thinks more of TJ doesn’t exactly mean love lol

    MOONCHILD April 29, 2024 10:12 pm

    Well, you will slowly see the difference of the dynamic, compatibility and chemistry between both couples. And you can see in which couple the "act of love" is present? But remember that in order for you to see the act of love that fully developed into a fruit, both partners needs to have a mutual feelings for each other. The key is here, pay attention to every details. Even colours in the background has a meaning for you.

    JustHere April 30, 2024 5:13 am
    Well, you will slowly see the difference of the dynamic, compatibility and chemistry between both couples. And you can see in which couple the "act of love" is present? But remember that in order for you to see... MOONCHILD

    but is TJIAN feelings based off trauma bonding, or genuine feelings. They have history together. People often confuse the two. whereas Ian and Jo are still developing their dynamic. the longer you know someome the harder it is to let go of the bond.

    I dont like TJIAN, cause that would mean Jo would just be a catalyst. So either Ian ends up alone and meets someone new or he ends up with Jo.

    HRAensn April 30, 2024 5:55 am
    but is TJIAN feelings based off trauma bonding, or genuine feelings. They have history together. People often confuse the two. whereas Ian and Jo are still developing their dynamic. the longer you know someome ... JustHere

    Good question, but love can happen through many situations especially trauma bonding or just knowing each other only for a long time. But I do feel like their trauma is holding them back because they have had an extra decade with each other and still now to sort things out, 2 decades total, and they’re still at square one. And that’s where Jo comes in. I’ll be pissed if Jo is just used as a stepping stone.

    I honestly don’t care who is endgame as long as it’s not new characters being used to make the ones who have been together to make progress, if you know what I mean.

    JustHere April 30, 2024 11:32 am
    Good question, but love can happen through many situations especially trauma bonding or just knowing each other only for a long time. But I do feel like their trauma is holding them back because they have had a... HRAensn

    I know 100% what you mean..I also really hate that.

    I hate love triangles, but I hate love triangles where the MC has some history with one of the ML more. it makes it so unfair.

    MOONCHILD April 30, 2024 12:10 pm
    but is TJIAN feelings based off trauma bonding, or genuine feelings. They have history together. People often confuse the two. whereas Ian and Jo are still developing their dynamic. the longer you know someome ... JustHere

    Their love is more like a sheltering kind. Sex is like a coping mechanism for them to escape problems and communications which is why the lack communication. It's like two wounded animals licking each other's wounds. Sex been the only way you could actually see their thought process about each other. It might change in the future depends on their development. It's important to see how three of them view sex. How Ian view sex in general, how he view sex with TJ and how he view sex with Jo. It's also important how TJ view sex with Ian and how Jo view sex with Ian. For Ian, he doesn't see sex as love when sex is actually the most beautiful forms of love between two individuals. He doesn't know that. Whenever he has sex he feels like he's serving a jail sentence. The reason why he has one night stands because he can't sleep without having sex. I think he already mentioned this.