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How are people so bothered at the incest-est thing but not at the fact that she married th...

Applecreampied April 13, 2024 4:34 pm

How are people so bothered at the incest-est thing but not at the fact that she married the boy she basically raised? Her mind is an adult so it’s weirder than the “incest” which really doesn’t bother me that much because they really weren’t treating each other as brother and sister right from the start.

    Tako April 13, 2024 11:45 pm

    Yah same.
    The "incest" doesn't bother me much bc both know they where not real siblings. She since the beginning and he after 2-5 years and before that also didn't had much sibling feelings. So the feelings he developed were for this girl not his sister.

    The other things yes. She knew him as an adult, then as a child and then again as an adult. But tbf she didn't started liking him in that way before he was of age, so maybe that makes it a bit better. Trauma bonding and stuff.

    I think this is just one of those "reincarnation" stories where the reincarnation is just to help the plot and not the sense of the story. Its just an easy way to start. I mean they are instantly adapted to that live and after like 50 chapter it doesnt get mentioned again. They are often a bit weird and the reincarnation rarely makes sense especially in the whole picture.

    Applecreampied April 14, 2024 2:29 am
    Yah same. The "incest" doesn't bother me much bc both know they where not real siblings. She since the beginning and he after 2-5 years and before that also didn't had much sibling feelings. So the feelings he ... Tako

    I agree. I get why authors do it. Reincarnation/regression trope has its own fanbase at this point, so writing it into the story would already garner some readers. Plus it doesn’t really do much for the plot except make it easier for the author because the baby’s actions can just be explained as her being reincarnated.