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Everyone is Re-reading

MapleMatryoshka April 12, 2024 10:48 pm

Media-Literacy, Characters and Narrative and ultimately, our own ability project humanity onto fictional characters.

We’re all here for the “Romance” -why?

Because even fake love is fucking delicious.

And love is madness, and what’s the difference between madness and artificial madness?

Madly in love, is that romantic?

Why is there so much SA in boys love in general?

The wise rotten woman (an average recluse) who does nothing but read boys love all day, what the fuck does she look for in all these toxic reads, what comfort does she seek when reading through tales of abuse and exploitation?

what is more appealing in this daily practice of escapism than herself in her life?

The joy I get from reading this…

Is it fake? When I laugh and squee and disagree with reviews- does this artificial experience matter?

when will things get better?

I don’t know, but thank goodness for nerdy horny losers like me keeping me entertained and less lonely.
