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I should have read the comments before reading this. At first I thought with 69 chapters i...

hypocritical_kitten April 9, 2024 8:11 pm

I should have read the comments before reading this. At first I thought with 69 chapters it might be a comparatively short and simple story but what was THIS!!???
Who TF was the mage Noe?? Why did he want to resurrect the dragon?? What deal did he make with the queen?? Also it took me so long to realise that the dragon was the in the subconscious and she killed him in an instant?? Atleast put up a fight bruh. There's so many things wrong with this I could go on and on.
Also I expected the Helena/dante to look different cause the cover and her past self looked so much more badass. I would've preferred she'd be born looking like her past self and then have a story with the ML.
