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Eliza April 8, 2024 2:29 am

I personally like Ari. She’s a good FL and idk what y’all are on. She is strong and smart. And of course she also has her flaws, she’s a human not an emotionless robot. Like I think it was pretty obvious that she’s a hopeless romantic. And her wanting to be loved probably clouds her judgement. And like how can I be mad at that? Let’s see how she responds to this problem before y’all start judging. Let’s also not forget that Alphonso wants this relationship with her as much as she does, if not more. Which is why he got impatient and made the MISTAKE of telling the princess that he would not marry her. Like if y’all wanna blame someone, blame him lmao

    Summer April 8, 2024 4:07 am

    People just want bij about smt yk. If Ariande or Alfonso acted cold instead then they'd bij about characters being too heartless bla bla bla... It has to be smt or another for them, to find faults and act like a smort critic xD

    Jia April 10, 2024 4:17 pm

    ATEEE i completely agree. Ari is genuinely one of my favourite isekai mcs out there