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unpopular opinion moment

wri April 7, 2024 6:30 pm

(not very unpopular opinion i realised because i see tons of perspective, mature people here now) i understand this story is hated but much of it is unjustified. after all, the characters aren't too bad. wouldn't say it's the best read out there though it's not the worst either. people can really have double standards, huh? anyway, i am ashamed of myself too for putting off this one for the longest time after reading the comments but now that ive gone past my shallowness and read it, i know for sure never to trust ratings again (i usually don't). for those who do not slut shame, for those who bother to see more than just the surface- give it a read, see if it's worth your time because it probably is. or not. meh. point is, what you like or not depends- so frick what others say.
