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Idk why I made this long ass comment

Your Hoe Zookeeper April 5, 2024 4:54 pm

I understand that Satou is not a good person. But at the same time if Shio were to stay with her mom and brother, then she would just suffer from poverty and starvation. And I'm pretty sure Shio is well aware of it too. Even though Satou groomed her, in Shio's eyes she's her everything as she's the one who picked her up when her mom abandoned her. But this doesn't mean I justify Satou in any way. I believe that she should be in jail, and Shio deserves to have a family thay could take care of her. Anyways, if we compare her old life style from her current, she's actually well off with Satou. She gets to eat normally, bathe, and have new sets of clothes which she never had in the past. Which is why Shio chose Satou over her brother due to the privilege she never got to experience in her life (like the the fact that Satou spoils Shio with sweets and praises, or never got mad and hit her is proof)

And as much as I want to say that it's Shio's mother's short coming, I can't really blame her too. Shio's mother, Yuuna, was raped at the age of 16 and got pregnant. It was implied many times that her parent's decides everything for her and that she's very dependent on them. How can a teenager who knows nothing in life know how to raise a child correctly? And the fact that the father abuses them whenever he gets the chance doesn't help either. Even as Yuuna grew older, she's just far from getting saved.

Imagine you were in Yuuna's shoes. Your parents sold you off leaving you no choice but to marry your rapist. You know nothing about adult life as your parents never taught you how to live independently, and you get raped and abused and have no choice but to give birth to children you never expected in your life in any way. It's just too tragic literally. That's why we can see Yuuna even as an adult calling herself incompetent and stupid because she never learned how to live by herself in the first place. And even if she did learn something, it's not enough. She had to learn it by herself the hard way as she doesn't have a choice due to her life already being decided the moment her life went downhill.

Now I would like to say that neither side is good for Shio. First off Yuuna and Satou have something in common. They don't want Shio to learn about the outside world, which I believe came from their own circumstances. But it is still not right as Shio will one day grow up like the rest of the characters. And her knowing nothing will just be another Yuuna 2.0.

What makes it worst is that I doubt Shio had any proper education in any way which is why she's very vulnerable (most likely the reason why Yuuna doesn't want her to go out.)

While everyone one is a victim in their own way, Shio as a child, is the one at risk the most. Besides the fact that she doesn't have any proper education, she sees the casualties happening right in front of her. From her mother and bother getting abused, to Satou almost killing her brother, and the failed attempted double suicide. So Shio would either grow up to be like Satou, or worst, or hopefully learn from the mistakes from the people around her and be a better person.

The ending is open ended so the author gave us a chance to interpret what type of Shio turned out to be, so it really is up to us to decide.

The story is more that than meets the eye. Everything and eveyone is basically in a shipwreck.
