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Sillybookworm April 5, 2024 4:30 am

The art is good but the first few chapters already smelled like a third rate story. MC is a bit interesting but everything else is bad. Characters have little to no depth. Bitches everywhere. He can't tolerate bullshit but apparently can tolerate it when girls are saying it. Annoying females that either drag him down or nuisances in the plot and plot armor at every turn.
In the first few chapters, he first met Rona (the maid) when she ran into him, broke plates, injured him, and shamelessly said to overlook it (and everyone is looking at him like he's the most terrible person, not an injured young master of a noble family smh). But apparently, he doesn't mind and kept her by her side knowing she bad mouthed him in the past.

Meanwhile, the butler asked him one question and he slammed him in a cold-hearted manner. But when Rona asked him constantly, and doubt he's every move, he's apparently fine with it.

Then the red head came. Gosh what can I say? She became interested in him, pushed herself without regard for his wishes, gets offended when he doesn't pay enough attention, and a drag to the plot.

It's basically one of those story in which the MC is badass and has so many girls beside him that likes him and follow him but "it isn't harem because he's not romantically interested in her". Dropped.

    Yeoubi_ June 9, 2024 3:34 am

    I wish i can repost cmts bro