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Yeah, I hate the FL too for spilling her anger at her SON, a child. But do y’all peop...

Frfrfr April 5, 2024 4:21 am

Yeah, I hate the FL too for spilling her anger at her SON, a child.

But do y’all people never study some psychology? (⌒▽⌒) there’s a part of me where I understand her anger, her despair. I mean, imaging living with a man who HIDE a LOTTTTTTTTTTTTTT from you? Be fr, guys. Why you all always blaming the woman? You people are being UNFAIR right now bruh. I also hate her for being so stupid at HER CHILD. But these symptoms shows a lot. Trauma. Depression. Hatred. Sadness. Emptiness. A lot.

You’re all angry at a man who cheats but not to a man who HIDEEEEEEE a lot from his woman. Don’t use the triumphant card that says “he’s doing it all for her~~~!!” Bitch, sit down.
