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Sorry but one more infuriating chapter

Farscapewho747 April 4, 2024 8:40 pm

Sorry I for sure checked the SPOILER WARNING box but it didn’t get covered, so this is about the next two chapters.

That white haired rat faced fucker shows up and walks in Tae’s house pretending he forgot something but Tae is out while Dojun rests. White haired rat asks Dojun if he and Tae are together and Dojun once again says no, than the rat proceeds to make Dojun feel worse but actually does it by telling him how sad and lonely Tae is because Dojun never puts him first, but if he was with Tae whenever Tae needed him he would come running, fucker actually smiles and sings about what a good day he had. This actually does give Dojun a wake up call and he talks to Tae in the following chapter. Oh yeah as for that so called friend asshole, don’t worry Tae takes care of business.
