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Cute... So where the seggs??

Destiny_Evil April 3, 2024 8:00 am

Cute... So where the seggs??

    Twilightsparkle April 3, 2024 7:41 pm

    Porn addiction isn't smth to be proudly announcing to the whole world there's a shounen-ai tag the size of your head if you bothered to read nd stoped being a freak instead

    Living.for.yaoi♫ April 3, 2024 8:13 pm
    Porn addiction isn't smth to be proudly announcing to the whole world there's a shounen-ai tag the size of your head if you bothered to read nd stoped being a freak instead Twilightsparkle

    Well there is NOT shonen ai tag, it's tagged as yaoi so.. I also thought that it will containe some smexy scenes (at least as a bonus) but it was wholesome so I guess it was a win situation.

    Twilightsparkle April 3, 2024 8:28 pm
    Well there is NOT shonen ai tag, it's tagged as yaoi so.. I also thought that it will containe some smexy scenes (at least as a bonus) but it was wholesome so I guess it was a win situation. Living.for.yaoi♫

    The first upload have shounen ai tag either way obsessing over sex in Everything and anything is porn addiction whoever read this manga and still thinks "okey and?!! Where's the sex" should go out to touch some grass this is why everyone out there thinks all ppl who read bl are freaks

    asha April 4, 2024 2:38 am
    The first upload have shounen ai tag either way obsessing over sex in Everything and anything is porn addiction whoever read this manga and still thinks "okey and?!! Where's the sex" should go out to touch some... Twilightsparkle

    Tbf I agree with the OP in that I do think it ended abruptly. I would've liked to see them have more cute dates. It sucks this authors pretty much only writes in one shots and short series... It would've been amazing to have more ch :(

    Destiny_Evil April 4, 2024 8:05 am

    Mommy chill haha

    kimuchi April 4, 2024 3:18 pm
    The first upload have shounen ai tag either way obsessing over sex in Everything and anything is porn addiction whoever read this manga and still thinks "okey and?!! Where's the sex" should go out to touch some... Twilightsparkle

    the tag is yaoi. it's none of your business that OP expected more. you're much more of a freak for taking this so seriously. stop lecturing people & instead take your own advise to touch some grass.

    Living.for.yaoi♫ April 5, 2024 5:49 pm
    the tag is yaoi. it's none of your business that OP expected more. you're much more of a freak for taking this so seriously. stop lecturing people & instead take your own advise to touch some grass. kimuchi

    Exactly! Why can't people mind their own business and have the urge to lecture them..

    Kocho April 7, 2024 11:46 pm
    Exactly! Why can't people mind their own business and have the urge to lecture them.. Living.for.yaoi♫

    Because it's weird honestly they're literally still in high school

    jojo April 9, 2024 9:40 am
    Because it's weird honestly they're literally still in high school Kocho

    op asking where the sex at isnt weird because the tag is literally yaoi.

    a lot of yaoi takes place in high school, but the ethics of that is another conversation.

    kimuchi April 9, 2024 11:05 am
    Because it's weird honestly they're literally still in high school Kocho

    if you're going there, you're also weird for reading about high schoolers fucking. hypocrite lol

    jojo April 9, 2024 7:48 pm
    if you're going there, you're also weird for reading about high schoolers fucking. hypocrite lol kimuchi

    how am a hypocrite? you just be throwing around words lol
    i didnt even read this manga...
    i came to check out the comment section to see if its worth a read.
    i have actual taste and standards when it comes to what i read...imagine that.

    kimuchi April 10, 2024 5:13 am
    how am a hypocrite? you just be throwing around words loli didnt even read this manga...i came to check out the comment section to see if its worth a read. i have actual taste and standards when it comes to wha... jojo

    so you've NEVER read any manga about high schoolers fucking? none? & none that your tastes & standards liked? school settings are literally the majority of yaoi plot lines. you are a hypocrite lmao

    kimuchi April 10, 2024 5:18 am
    how am a hypocrite? you just be throwing around words loli didnt even read this manga...i came to check out the comment section to see if its worth a read. i have actual taste and standards when it comes to wha... jojo

    wait... why did you even reply tho lmao. my comment wasn't intended for you but @kocho

    jojo April 10, 2024 8:22 am
    wait... why did you even reply tho lmao. my comment wasn't intended for you but @kocho kimuchi

    yeah, i made a mistake...sometimes comments here get confusing so i apologize for the mix up.
    but ill answer your other comment (that was directed at me)

    yes, there are a lot of yaoi under a school setting, but its far from being majority, there are so many other tropes.
    if i want to read a bl high school romance, ill look for a shounen-ai (plenty of those out there)

    i dont read yaoi and BL in general very often relatively speaking (the BL list that i made on here is less than 100 stories long and this is the only place i read BL), but when i do, it needs to be well written just like everything els that i read.
    never have i come across a high school yaoi where minors fucking is justified to the plot rather than being glorified.

    there is only one exception- MADK.
    its nothing like all those trashy shallow high school yaois that glorify minors having sex...
    at the end of the first chapter the mc isnt even a human anymore.
    this story just needs the mc to be an eccentric high schooler at the start in order to convey the type of person he is and show what he will grow into be.
    its one of the weirdest yet most powerful stories i ever read.
    it falls under the horror genre, so its not for everyone, but its incredibly well written and creative.
    its a about the loneliness of power/influence and the desire for validation, acknowledgment and companionship.

    kimuchi April 10, 2024 1:25 pm
    yeah, i made a mistake...sometimes comments here get confusing so i apologize for the mix up.but ill answer your other comment (that was directed at me)yes, there are a lot of yaoi under a school setting, but i... jojo

    yeah, i should've made sure before replying as well. i apologize for calling you a hypocrite the 2nd time. i think it was too strong of a word & uncalled for. i see your point as relatable bc one of my all time favs is "Love Nest" that's centered around a salaryman finding love in the most unimaginable way & taking responsibility for his past actions. it's a pretty stereotypical premise but well-executed. the characters learning vulnerability & honesty is what i felt as empowering.

    i want to clarify my statement regarding majority of yaois being under school settings. there are definitely various tropes, but i find that the most popular & viewed yaois are set in schools. we see a lot of it in anime as well, but that's a whole nother conversation lol. i don't see it as glorifying minors fucking per se, but rather plausible. i personally saw my fair share of schoolmates experimenting with sex & in a sense, i find it realistic. but it is overly used & it's getting to the point where minors having sex is the whole plot. to add on to this, my biggest ick is when they throw in rape for the sake of "plot" & justify it as a redemption arc for future character development lol. there's no resistance (a lot of times), reflection, apologies, nor trauma, BUT there's the infamous "you were begging for it" line. shallow garbage truly.

    i completely agree that MADK is one of the best, well written/drawn stories out there. it seems almost offensive to label it as simply immoral and horrific lol. i wasn't prepared when it ended but nonetheless, very impactful. sorry this got really long lol

    Kocho April 10, 2024 7:21 pm
    if you're going there, you're also weird for reading about high schoolers fucking. hypocrite lol kimuchi

    Bro I'm not? Wth

    jojo April 11, 2024 4:38 am
    yeah, i should've made sure before replying as well. i apologize for calling you a hypocrite the 2nd time. i think it was too strong of a word & uncalled for. i see your point as relatable bc one of my all ... kimuchi

    a large majority of popular yaoi is not in a high school setting, i dont get why you are under the impression that it is.
    if you literally go to the yaoi section here and sort it by popularity or by views there are maybe like 5 or 6 yaoi on the first two pages combined that are high school.

    in real life it is normal and natural for high schoolers to "experiment" and the like, but you need to think in the context of porn. pornorgraphic content and erotica is targeted at adults, a lot of adults read or watch porn and get aroused by it, so the depiction of minors in porn just doesnt sit right with me. like if we are being real the purpose of high schoolers in porn 99% of the time is "high schoolers fucking is hot" and not "beautiful realistic coming of age story"

    now in regards to anime...i frankly dont understand why you even brought that up.
    like yes high school setting (or age) is very common for characters in anime, but anime is GENERALLY not pornographic outside of hentai and the like.

    and you mentioned rape, for me its more than an "ick".
    i will not read a story that romanticizes or downplays rape, like its a total deal breaker for me.
    i have no problem with stories that deal dark subjects or heavy topics...when its done right.

    this also got pretty long lol

    GayorNot April 12, 2024 3:01 pm
    yeah, i made a mistake...sometimes comments here get confusing so i apologize for the mix up.but ill answer your other comment (that was directed at me)yes, there are a lot of yaoi under a school setting, but i... jojo

    You sound so holier than thou. What the hell is with your “I’m better than you” attitude? This isn’t your target audience, and you decide to go into the comments section and shame the people who enjoyed this story. My issue with you is that all you needed to say was, “it doesn’t always need porn to be good,” but you came in hot and blazing and told somebody they were a porn addict. You know, on a site that has a lot of it AND on a manga that is tagged yaoi. I’m also pretty sure they were just making a joke, I doubt anybody is like that in real life. Lol

    jojo April 12, 2024 6:12 pm
    You sound so holier than thou. What the hell is with your “I’m better than you” attitude? This isn’t your target audience, and you decide to go into the comments section and shame the people who enjoyed... GayorNot

    i didnt shame anyone for liking this story nor did i call anyone a porn addict.

    i clicked on this story because i do read yaoi occasionally (you can check my account and see that) and i went to the comments here to judge if its worth my time, then i saw this whole discourse and gave my two cents.
    why would i say “it doesn’t always need porn to be good,” when that isnt what this is about.
    the issue isnt porn itself, its high schoolers aka minors in porn.

    also im not sure who you think made a joke or what the joke even was.

    GayorNot April 12, 2024 7:37 pm
    i didnt shame anyone for liking this story nor did i call anyone a porn addict.i clicked on this story because i do read yaoi occasionally (you can check my account and see that) and i went to the comments here... jojo

    Okay, I’ll admit, I might’ve gotten the wrong person (I hate the way things are formatted, sorry). But even then, this manga doesn’t strike me as sexualizing teenagers. They decided to wait. It actually does feel like a coming of age kind of thing. It was a little necessary to have them be high schoolers because the whole plot was this girl rejecting the MC for not being ready for sex, which is canonically uncalled for since they’re were barely high schoolers.

    And honestly, you still have a holier than thou attitude. Idk