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I like how this actually ends but i have some concerns... Firstly why do i feel like the c...

Raya March 31, 2024 6:23 pm

I like how this actually ends but i have some concerns... Firstly why do i feel like the characters are being sexualize... They are teens & age 15 to 18 years old so i dont get how they were portrayed ... 2nd i dont feel comfortable with some of chapters where hooni is being SAd by some weird dudes on the internet .. 3rd the sibling relationship was going well so is the platonic friendship with soorim but why does it have to go that way??? And 4th what the suicide boy got to do with all these happenings well i kind of get in the end since hoon now is.. Good? I think.. at least he didn't tried to do selfharm that much unlike the earlier chapters and 5th hoon is a minor so why is he alone is that even possible, no food to eat and at 17 years old he's making a living?? Where is the adults.. They are supposed to supervise him or something+++ ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    Miju>_< April 1, 2024 7:53 am

    Did you not read the whole story?? His parents died and they cut off contact with other relatives he doesn't even know his cousins and stuff