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ML disgusting asf

Dnghkq_ March 31, 2024 4:23 pm

Like I kinda understand his anger, He thought he would finally be free, but the person he trusted the most "abandoned" him and he had to go through hell, and all as a child. That is definitely traumatic and if not treated properly can spiral out. But he had YEARS, to think about it, get help. But he ended up kidnapping, raping, and ruining a dudes life over something that could've been discussed in an hour. Now once again, trauma is a lot and it can make you do horrible things that you usually wouldn't do. But that doesn't make what he's doing EVER okay. He is a sick and twisted rapist.
This story interesting as hell tho.

    Bl/Gl__♡LOVER♡ March 31, 2024 8:52 pm

    Although I agree with your statement, using mental health as an excuse for doing bad things is just not right. An example, a man murders his entire family, police catch him and that's great. He is taken to court but due to his schizophrenia he doesn't get to sit through court and gets a small sentence. Like bro- HE KILLED HIS ENTIRE FAMILY WITHOUT ANY REMORSE BECAUSE HIS WIFE FOUND OUT ABOUT HIS OTHER FAMILY. Like aghhhh! I want Mido to drop dead if he doesn't own up to his actions man.

    Dnghkq_ March 31, 2024 9:43 pm
    Although I agree with your statement, using mental health as an excuse for doing bad things is just not right. An example, a man murders his entire family, police catch him and that's great. He is taken to cour... Bl/Gl__♡LOVER♡

    I didn't use mental health as en excuse? I literally said that doesn't make what he did ever okay. Just cause you understand WHY someone did something doesn't mean you excuse the act. It just means you understand why they did it? I specifically said he is a sick and twisted rapist lol. I just specified that I understand his mental issues and why he had them. Mido is a disgusting person, the reason why he ended up that way is because of his trauma and he had years to get help with. He should rot in prison for the rest of his life for the things that he has done.

    Ruby-Kun March 31, 2024 10:00 pm
    I didn't use mental health as en excuse? I literally said that doesn't make what he did ever okay. Just cause you understand WHY someone did something doesn't mean you excuse the act. It just means you understa... Dnghkq_

    I agree with you

    Bl/Gl__♡LOVER♡ March 31, 2024 10:20 pm
    I didn't use mental health as en excuse? I literally said that doesn't make what he did ever okay. Just cause you understand WHY someone did something doesn't mean you excuse the act. It just means you understa... Dnghkq_

    I'm not saying you in particular are using it as an excuse, I'm only commenting about it because you mentioned mental health within this act. YOU may not use it as an excuse, but it does not get rid of the fact that many others in this world and on this platform does. I only made a harmless comment about it because I've been disgusted by his terrible acts. Mido is a terrible character and I literally hope that the MC doesn't get with him! That screams Stockholm syndrome

    Dnghkq_ March 31, 2024 11:26 pm
    I'm not saying you in particular are using it as an excuse, I'm only commenting about it because you mentioned mental health within this act. YOU may not use it as an excuse, but it does not get rid of the fact... Bl/Gl__♡LOVER♡

    oh mb, you using although at the beginning of your reply made me think it was the opposite lmao.

    ItFeelsLike March 31, 2024 11:49 pm
    oh mb, you using although at the beginning of your reply made me think it was the opposite lmao. Dnghkq_

    Lmao, you guys got some misunderstanding when you're pointing the same things (≧∀≦)

    Bl/Gl__♡LOVER♡ April 1, 2024 2:02 am
    oh mb, you using although at the beginning of your reply made me think it was the opposite lmao. Dnghkq_

    LMAO yeah sorry about that