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HE'S SO CUTE At the same time I feel sad

MACAROONS March 30, 2024 3:19 pm

I FEEL SAD FOR THE REAL SHIYEON He didn't deserve to die. Both him and MC deserves the world

    Naz March 30, 2024 5:21 pm

    That’s why I hate how everyone is acting around him. I literally hate all the characters that knew the Shiyeon in the past except for Shiyeon’s little sister. Literally they all knew he was suffering and something was wrong with him yet no one did anything to help him. They just pushed him away, kept a distance from him and just treated him badly, yet the moment Hajin takes over they suddenly care about him. Like seriously u weren’t there for Shiyeon, but the moment Hajin who pretends to have memory loss come in to the picture they want to pretend all the stuff they did in the past doesn’t exist. Even the actor dude, what an asshole, he saw what was happening and never mentioned it or helped him. The pink haired dude was there at those awful parties yet he didn’t anything for Shiyeon. That’s why the bodyguard is only person who is suitable to be the Ml. He knows Shiyeon is actually Hajin and never did anything to Shiyeon in the past.

    If there anyone we should feel sorry for other than Shiyeon and Hajin, it should Ahyeon, Shinyeon’s younger sister. Not only is she suffering with an illness that made her stuck in the Hospital for most her life, she lost all her family members. She doesn’t know her brother’s dead.

    MACAROONS March 31, 2024 1:38 am
    That’s why I hate how everyone is acting around him. I literally hate all the characters that knew the Shiyeon in the past except for Shiyeon’s little sister. Literally they all knew he was suffering and so... Naz

    True! I actually want those people to suffer and make them guilty anymore. Shiyeon was such a sweetheart but the person he loved was a trash and used him.

    MACAROONS March 31, 2024 1:39 am
    True! I actually want those people to suffer and make them guilty anymore. Shiyeon was such a sweetheart but the person he loved was a trash and used him. MACAROONS

    *more not anymore