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my dislike for sis

Yuu March 28, 2024 10:12 pm

is pretty light but like this chapters end i'm like NO GO AWAY; HE WAS JUST GOING TO GET A SONG FINALLY lol stop being a hindrance you already got like 2 songs and you obviously gonna get 500 more so DON'T INTERRUPT it was a crucial moment rip our boy had that inspiration juice flowing and piano boi finally opened up and here comes needy sis with her exaggerated SAVE ME OPPAR sigh /i wanted to see him make more music/

    Aki April 2, 2024 9:52 pm

    Uhmmm I wanna see him make more music and we will but we also need other thins going on for him to make music☠ there’s also nth wrong with asking ur brother for help. Especially when the only person you know that is experienced and knows a lot about the top is her brother pls don’t be too mad with her she’s still a young kid who’s a beginner and needs help with things.

    We will get the opportunity to see him make music more

    I’m so excited for when he’s done with the music that he made out of inspiration and the reaction of others HEHEUHEHEHHEHEHHHEHEH

    Aki April 2, 2024 9:52 pm
    Uhmmm I wanna see him make more music and we will but we also need other thins going on for him to make music☠ there’s also nth wrong with asking ur brother for help. Especially when the only person you kno... Aki


    Yuu April 3, 2024 2:18 am
    Uhmmm I wanna see him make more music and we will but we also need other thins going on for him to make music☠ there’s also nth wrong with asking ur brother for help. Especially when the only person you kno... Aki

    i mean i think it's totally fine to be annoyed since i was expecting, with that ending, and that text - for him to go full big bro mode and run to her aid. also being as i said this was my one point of annoyance with her lol.....unlike a lot of this comment section i didn't shit all over her. but since the following chapter didn't have him drop everything for her anyways; my annoyance had disappeared

    and since they were discussing piano boys past and mc was in inspiration mode things weeeeere happening criiiiiii his flow was flowinggggg I HAD HOPE

    Aki April 3, 2024 11:13 pm
    i mean i think it's totally fine to be annoyed since i was expecting, with that ending, and that text - for him to go full big bro mode and run to her aid. also being as i said this was my one point of annoyanc... Yuu

    Ohhhhh I kinda got that (srry my brain lags sometimes)

    I didn’t get the second part but I think I understood it a little

    Basically u had hope but it was crushed? Or u Jade hope and it happened?

    (I forgot what happened in the chapter in order so I can’t really understand srry)