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Spamming my thoughts (and spoilers) into one comment

somnia March 27, 2024 11:16 pm

Yea you won't get much out of this one if you're already used to rofan cliches.

It was so anticlimactic to find out that they exposed that rvpist count asap without them even thinking about how they could get a hit in for the sus head priest and pigtail cunt. Like, at least try to lessen their influence, take the initiative. But they're just kinda waiting for stuff to happen while thinking "just you wait", at least banter ffs. ALSO I thought they would go more into the tribe that can control the monsters, but nope, moved on from that as soon as the count got yeeted into afterlife. It feels like they just forgot about the monster issue and hyper-focused on that evil secret master plot instead.

Because the story is lowkey basic beyond that great plan of the villains you quickly start skipping through chapters to see what they got cooking, and what Lua and her white knight prince twink are gonna do about that drama. If you think about it they barely move while the prince's aide does all the work and delivers intel, I hope he's compensated for how hard he's carrying their asses.
Lua has such a generic good person personality besides what is one hell of a TAME thirst for revenge, my interest in her is solely centered around her lore and powers. After reading the 1st chapter you think she's gonna go rogue and be like an anti-saint but it turns into some trivial self-defense quirk very quickly. It's a waste not to do anything of substance with the concept from the get-go, especially bc it's obvious af that her power is gonna be what that goddess/og saintess also had.
Her and the prince also don't feel like a team in all of this either btw. Their chemistry is barely even simmering. They just meet up every so often talk about what they know and found out and then have a moment, only to do their own thing next page. The princely twink did start off with a mysterious charm but that just evaporated once it turns out his crush/interest in her is based on this one time she cheered him up when they were kids.
