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Glad i started reading this

tomyacha March 27, 2024 9:27 pm

Compared to other manwhas that had similar plot, this one actually put depth to the characters. Euihyun is stubborn but capable and stands his ground especially if it’s for his brother. I raise my siblings so I resonated with him a lot. Taeju’s character development surprised me the most.The author actually spent time to make him acknowledge his absolute fucked up traits and the consequences of his actions. Finally doing something right for once.
They could’ve just continued writing him being a sick manipulative fuck and readers would probably still eat it up. But he’s trying to redeem himself and ACTIVELY doing so, not half-assed. And he’s got a fucking wit and personality too. It’s not your typical obsessed, cold, controlling, ‘mysterious’ gangster seme. That’s probably why I continued reading. It’s fucking funny seeing him get pummeled by Euihyun. So this is still way better than most toxic bl I’ve read

    pennyinheaven March 28, 2024 4:10 am

    Also, I like that they added him having panic attacks when his feelings changed for Euihyun. It goes back to the very first time they met and pulled the brothers out of the water. If I remember right, he didn't really understand why he decided to save them but chapters later, it him why.

    pennyinheaven March 28, 2024 4:11 am
    Also, I like that they added him having panic attacks when his feelings changed for Euihyun. It goes back to the very first time they met and pulled the brothers out of the water. If I remember right, he didn't... pennyinheaven

    *it hit him why.