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Big news: Carcel killed Emiliano???

StoryofMinglan March 26, 2024 9:11 pm

I notice that suddenly there’s this influx of people who clearly didn’t read the manhwa and they come here with all sorts of misinformation while declaring it’s their opinion. Newsflash: Carcel is the only man in this manhwa who didn’t hurt Ines. How come all of a sudden he’s accused of killing her former lover is beyond me. Then there’s the shade thrown on the author’s work saying the only story worth telling is the one from only one timeline. If that’s the reader’s opinion, they don’t have to read Ines and Carcel’s story. It’s as simple as that. It’s not about you. It’s all about the story the author wants to tell.

    snapplecider March 26, 2024 9:49 pm

    Even Ines knew Carcel helped the painter escape so idk where those idiots are coming from thinking Carcel killed the painter. Like newsflash, Carcel was trying to save the painter and it was the painter who was stupid to run back and get killed by her brother, not Carcel.

    snapplecider March 26, 2024 9:52 pm

    Ch11 about the painter: But in the end, he returned on his own two feet to die before her very eyes.

    Ch19 about ml: Why ...did you help Emiliano?

    That person even said they drop at 20 and these 2 chs came before 20.

    StoryofMinglan March 26, 2024 10:03 pm

    That person clearly already made their judgement on Carcel and the story. Don’t forget they self-righteously declared that Carcel is a ‘sorry excuse for a person in general’. I don’t think the facts you stated above mattered to them at all.

    e m y March 26, 2024 10:43 pm
    Ch11 about the painter: But in the end, he returned on his own two feet to die before her very eyes.Ch19 about ml: Why ...did you help Emiliano?That person even said they drop at 20 and these 2 chs came before ... snapplecider

    clearly i read it wrong, my bad then

    e m y March 26, 2024 10:44 pm
    That person clearly already made their judgement on Carcel and the story. Don’t forget they self-righteously declared that Carcel is a ‘sorry excuse for a person in general’. I don’t think the facts you... StoryofMinglan

    saying that based off of the chapters i’ve read, it was that he was a cheater, idk about you but cheating sm like that is pretty bad

    StoryofMinglan March 26, 2024 11:14 pm
    saying that based off of the chapters i’ve read, it was that he was a cheater, idk about you but cheating sm like that is pretty bad e m y

    Sorry but I don’t write people off because of their past, sin or mistakes. I’m not that self-righteous. Furthermore, if engagement’ is all it takes for a person to be a cheater then Ines and the man she slept with while engaged are also cheaters. Those are the facts. Glad you dropped the story though.

    OyaOyaOya March 27, 2024 2:18 am
    saying that based off of the chapters i’ve read, it was that he was a cheater, idk about you but cheating sm like that is pretty bad e m y

    this is soo shallow like pls, they got engaged at the age of six and barely interacted until now, of course it wasn't out of love at all. on this day and age ppl would expect them to have their own separate partners