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unnerving !!!

Naimitsu March 26, 2024 9:01 pm

honestly, the moment her husband said he is gay, they should have split up.
Now they are in this weird space in between, because she can´t let go and he is too soft spoken to speak his mind and cut her loose. They are just hurting each other, not giving the other and themselves the opportunity to be happy.
And Ina, the fool, is just making it worse. You can´t force people into a polyamorous relationship, expecially if they are already hurting from their should-be-but-unfortunately-did-not-happen-break-up-situation.
They need to split up, cut their losses and have to move on to find happiness. And they definitely should not be seeing each other for a really long time to make a clean cut.
This situation is just infuriating - you can´t force love and you can´t force yourself or someone else to love you.
