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The use of the credit???

Unknown March 26, 2024 4:28 pm

Am i dumb? Why tf is he using the card when he has the money to buy the item. Ik he goes there for the contractor but again maybe twice a month would be okay but 2 times a week??? Bruhhhhhh

    NightmarishLand March 27, 2024 12:10 am

    He uses that card then pays back so he can have an excuse to come back lol. The first time however was because he was curious about it. Then after that, he just does that so he can keep coming back.

    Kirari~☆ March 29, 2024 9:52 pm

    He uses going to the office to pay back what he had spent using the card as a pretext to keep an eye on whether the pharmaceutical company CEO passes by and to make sure the owner remembers his promise about helping him out