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Caisey #1 Defender (H8ers Stay Mad)

March 24, 2024 11:16 am

"Caisey is a bad detective," "Casey was too focused on Moriarty and wasn't investigating the cases properly".

1) In the flashback, in a conversation with Moriarty, she sees that he's been investigating the missing children case and says that she's also been investigating it and that if Moriarty wants she can share the details of the cases.

^ This can easily be confirmed considering how she got to the venue where Moriarty also was, Caisey DID investigate and find the answer to the case. However, she wasn't expecting Moriarty to be there and if it wasn't for Moriarty planning to use Caisey as a pawn, there's a high chance she wouldn't even be suspecting Moriarty.

2) "She's been so focused on Moriarty," that's because James Moriarty is obviously her prime suspect? Because he lied to her so she would believe he was? And because she thought he was the main suspect, she obviously would dig around things related to him so she can find actual proof of this happening and him being the actual mastermind? Literally all this time Caisey has been doing detective work, you guys just don't want to acknowledge that or you guys choose to ignore that because you find her "annoying" and y'all reduce her to someone chasing after Moriarty when there's a reason?

2.1) Yall also say she's too focused on Moriarty but did you not even read chapter 90? The newspapers that exposed the things happening in the city were published because of Caisey. And Caisey herself LITERALLY says that she's captured majority of the people included in the case, but only Moriarty has been escaping her clutches because she still thinks Moriarty is the mastermind, which I remind you is because Moriarty portrayed himself as the mastermind in front of her.
