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the most trash is yuki following by shuhei and then misaki period. yuki - confused his f...

kirishimahoe March 20, 2024 2:06 pm

the most trash is yuki following by shuhei and then misaki period.

yuki - confused his feelings and cheated eventho hes married. i know ur gay but no cheating pls. u can ask for break up and tell u gay but u a coward and leading ur wife that its normal marriage. hes a shit for this. cheating is a serious issue if you're in relationships.

shohei - oh hes evil for stealing yuki from misaki. very very fuck this man. you're bi so you steal her man. + u kissed yuki at front of their door. really wtf. hes weird loving 2 ppl at the same time. im so mad when i know he having an affair with yuki. fuck him

misaki - this is dumb woman i ever encounter. wtf living all 3 in 1 house and with ur husband cheating partner. what a joke. i immediately ask for divorce once i know my husband cheating. really shes so dumb and annoying bcs she dont want a divorce. girl in japan. there's mo way this would work. its so weird and even ppl has polygami dont live in same house.

this manga is so frustrating. i hope misaki will go with that new man and yuki and shuhei can fuck each other and be gay and bi without disrupting other people's marriage. both deserve each other since cheating and stealing is their motto of life
