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My honest take:

Anonymous March 19, 2024 2:20 am

I think the main reason why the uke is reacting this way is that he probably feels like he's getting played. Like, for years, his cousin was practically pimping him out to who knows who, all in the name of "success". Plus, his uncle, cousin's dad, made him think that he owed everything to both his uncle and cousin.

Then, suddenly, he meets the one person (Taekyuek) he thought actually cared about him (which, to be fair, taekyuek does). He was even thinking of how a future with him would be. Now, all of a sudden, he learns this person was (in his mind) part of the reason why his father is disabled, mom died, and how his extended family practically took advantage of him. So, honestly, I don't really blame him for being mad at Taekyuek, because he has every reason to think that Taekyuek is taking advantage of him, just like everyone else.

Before everyone sends the pitchforks at me, I also agree that both Sejoon and Taekyuek need to have another sit down conversation and talk about the current and their other personal issues. Hopefully it will be soon, but it might be a ways off

    Anonymous March 19, 2024 3:06 pm

    I just realized I gave the seme the wrong name, so