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Consent is sexy

Fetish Love January 19, 2017 12:54 am

Can I get some recs or a list where there is consensual sex, if one says stop or no or it hurts the other actually stops and maybe they talk or do something to make it better so they're both happy and enjoying the sex?
No rape, no blackmail, no manipulation.
it can be BL, GL, hetero, poly, etc.
it just has to have consent.
Thank you.

    helix January 19, 2017 1:08 am

    Here you go, consensual BL ^^

    Fetish Love January 20, 2017 9:03 am

    whoohoo! a whole list~ :D
    there's also some i've read before but it's been so long since that i can reread it anew and it's awesome to know some old favorites have what I want.
    Thank you so much!!
    Have a wonderful tomorrow! (●'◡'●)ノ

    helix January 20, 2017 12:04 pm
    whoohoo! a whole list~ :D there's also some i've read before but it's been so long since that i can reread it anew and it's awesome to know some old favorites have what I want. Thank you so much!! Have a wonder... Fetish Love

    No problem ^^ I try to keep this list updated as much as possible, but it's not that easy, bc I'm rather fastidious when it comes to consent xD

    You have a wonderful tomorrow (today?) too! :*