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It ended

Bliane March 16, 2024 2:43 pm

Im not really satisfied with how the story ended for Cain, but I felt like I understood why his story ended like that… He was stuck to the past of being a pet and following his master. Jooin let him go for him to be himself without a master and just him with a family. Honestly Im happy Jooin and Cain didn’t end together, but if Cain’s story ended like that, I just thought of it as an open ending to his new love for someone else.

    smutxszzz March 17, 2024 1:18 am

    Yasss , and It felt like Cain was going in circles, clinging in the past and not able to see his own future, sacrificing all of him for one person, Jooin was a good guy from the start so he can’t be the person who’s gonna love Cain because of that reason. While Yawhi was trying to improve himself to be part of Jooin’s present world with or without Jooin by his side.

    Bliane March 17, 2024 1:49 pm

    Right???? And it was really bound to happen that Jooin and Yahwi till the end despite the problems. I’m still happy tho that Cain became a part of Jooin’s happy memories. Im actually hoping that Cain gets his own story or atleast a sidestory here for only Cain.