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I can’t stand the people in the comments trying to dub this the best yaoi redemption arc...

nimnim juice March 12, 2024 2:40 pm

I can’t stand the people in the comments trying to dub this the best yaoi redemption arc.
When all Taeju gave was a apology and explanation. The bar is low.

    MitsuKou March 12, 2024 3:00 pm

    The bar is in hell, bcs authors love scummy seme in yaoi, they're everywhere. So just let people be with them appreciating it lol, even though it's the bare minimum, after all it's like a rare scene in Yaoi.

    raya. March 12, 2024 3:04 pm

    we’ll just as you said redemption “arc” it’s an “arc”, it started with an apology but that doesn’t mean that’s it. it’s just the start and taeju will probably try to redeem himself for the rest of the series

    fwopfwop March 12, 2024 3:10 pm

    The bar is indeed low and this is the rarecrumbs we are handed with. But Pretty sure taejuu didnt start with words but his actions, like 10 chapters ago,

    nimnim juice March 12, 2024 3:11 pm
    The bar is in hell, bcs authors love scummy seme in yaoi, they're everywhere. So just let people be with them appreciating it lol, even though it's the bare minimum, after all it's like a rare scene in Yaoi. MitsuKou

    Ik it’s just , I’ve seen the best yaoi redemption arc and I’m feeling a way. I should have lowered my expectations since I knew what type of setting this yaoi was in.

    Day Day March 12, 2024 3:44 pm

    In reality, yes, his actions should make people hate him.

    I think you are kind of not giving the author the credit deserved though with this story telling. The personality and even the art style during their arguments is all there to keep Taeju on the boarder between going way too far to come back and redemption. He does something unacceptable and then he does something silly and stupid like biting Euihyun’s cheeks. Both face and butt. Hopping around like a dinosaur, using endearments like “sweetie” and “cry baby”. Etc etc etc.

    The reason people can accept this redemption arc is because the character development happened over the whole story. He didn’t just up and change. He’s been redeeming himself with actions for several chapters. It started with cuddling and being protective, moved to caring about Euihyun’s feelings, trying to make sure he was in a position to care for the only person he cared about, and trying to keep Euihyun, head above water when he was drowning, and worked its way up to recognition of wrongs and an apology.

    Do I think he has been redeemed? No. Taeju himself recognizes he hasn’t been redeemed yet. This isn’t where his redemption ends, it’s where it begins.

    Ghosted March 12, 2024 4:06 pm
    In reality, yes, his actions should make people hate him. I think you are kind of not giving the author the credit deserved though with this story telling. The personality and even the art style during their ar... Day Day

    This was beautifully said honestly

    nimnim juice March 12, 2024 4:20 pm
    In reality, yes, his actions should make people hate him. I think you are kind of not giving the author the credit deserved though with this story telling. The personality and even the art style during their ar... Day Day

    It’s that fact that you and everyone els don’t think I read the same plot and don’t know what the author is doing that’s blowing me. Cause just as they kept Taeju in the middle of being toxic and also wanting Euihyun’s attention, I feel just as much thought should be put in the “redemption”. I just don’t agree it was done well especially with the fact that now after saving his brother and slowly treating him normal, their going to tie the story up with a bow. That will simply be done with “Euihyun is pregnant”. Answering no important questions.
    -Like what happened to the guy that bee trying to get back at Euihyun?
    -What does his Taeju’s family think if this situation ship ?
    -Is the dude that lived next door going to confess to Euihyun?
    -Is Euihyun’s father coming back because he thinks his debt us absolved?
    -Will Taeju tell Euihyun that him and his people always knew that the best wasn’t his but his fathers?

    Day Day March 12, 2024 4:47 pm
    It’s that fact that you and everyone els don’t think I read the same plot and don’t know what the author is doing that’s blowing me. Cause just as they kept Taeju in the middle of being toxic and also w... nimnim juice

    Have you been reading and comprehending the same plot as everyone else? This isn’t the last chapter?
    - guy that been trying to attack Euihyun was on top of that building hiding when Taeju showed up because Taeju has had his people looking for him and Euihyuns father this whole time to try and keep Euihyun safe.

    -Taeju’s parent he actually talked to about Euihyun made Taeju question what how Euihyun acts. “Sounds like you have an omega that is scared to me” and I assume would support him after giving him said advice. I have a feeling with will eventually be addressed. His cousin is clearly in disbelief that Taeju has gotten serious about Euihyun.

    -dude who lived next door basically already did confess. It was shown again when Euihyun went to his door while sick throwing up the pills in recent chapters and it’s pretty obvious to him he has been turned down when he tried to calm Euihyun when he found out his brother was missing and it did not work but Euihyun immediately calmed when Taeju held him.

    -Euihyun’s father is the blonde man who tried to sneak by Taeju on the street in that recent chapter. The one Taeju sent his men to chase after when he was called and told crybaby was missing.

    -I do not understand what you are asking your your last question but I hope this helps clarify the story for you.

    Day Day March 12, 2024 4:52 pm
    This was beautifully said honestly Ghosted

    Thank you :)

    fwopfwop March 12, 2024 6:25 pm
    Have you been reading and comprehending the same plot as everyone else? This isn’t the last chapter?- guy that been trying to attack Euihyun was on top of that building hiding when Taeju showed up because Tae... Day Day

    also to add to the last question, idk if the question was rhetorical or what. but everyone knows the debt is not his tho? he is the collateral? forced guarantor? they always have the option of pursuing the the dad who fled, but usually dont. that was why they were shocked when instead taejuu ordered them too look for the dad? they know they gonna come after him now. why do u think they have this manhunt for him?

    nimnim juice March 12, 2024 6:38 pm
    also to add to the last question, idk if the question was rhetorical or what. but everyone knows the debt is not his tho? he is the collateral? forced guarantor? they always have the option of pursuing the the ... fwopfwop

    Really none of my questions are rhetorical.
    1. The person above you answered, but I’m looking to find out if we the readers will get further elaboration on these topics.
    2.The man Taeju was chasing a couple chapters ago was not Euihyun’s father.His father is about as buff as Taeju.That’s why I’m questioning if you just are really reading this.
    3.Lastly, I meant what I asked about the fat man that was mad at Euihyun from the beginning chapters. He has yet to be caught. The blonde guy that Day Day mentioned was one of his friend/associates.So my question still remains. Is that fat dude from the beginning going to try to get revenge on Euihyun for losing his position, even after Taeju told him to let it go?

    Day Day March 12, 2024 8:56 pm
    Really none of my questions are rhetorical.1. The person above you answered, but I’m looking to find out if we the readers will get further elaboration on these topics. 2.The man Taeju was chasing a couple ch... nimnim juice

    It was Euihyun’s father. He went into hiding, dyed his hair blonde in the park bathroom, got tracked by the guy who attacked Euihyun and they linked up together. They were literally together on top of the building. And how would any of us know any of what happens in the future?? We don’t have the script. That’s why you have to keep reading. Most of your questions were answered though in the story if you actually read it. It weird that you have all of these random complaints that do not link up to the original reason you commented and that was about Taeju’s redemption arc. This has nothing to do with Taeju’s redemption, so why are you complaining about it now?

    Day Day March 12, 2024 9:12 pm

    Chapter 31 to reference the conversation Taeju had with his parent about Euihyun.

    Ch 40 we see the a-hole who hurt Euihyun looking for Euihyun’s father.

    Ch59 “fatty” finds Euihyun’s dad in the bathroom.

    Ch 60 they band together. And in the recent chapter he passed Taeju on the street and tries to run away.